About Agniology.com

I am Colin Bakewell – although, if you hung around the SEO forums a few years ago,  you may know me better as ‘4Eyes‘.

Although I have been involved in Internet Marketing and SEO since the days when AltaVista ruled the roost, this site is not about those topics. Instead, this is a whole new direction for me – ‘a labour of love’ site that has little or no commercial intent.

For many years now, I have been trying to think of a ‘labour of love’ web site that I could build and carry on working on till I am old and grey without getting bored.

Eventually, it came to me .. there is no limit to human ignorance, so I cannot ever run out of subject material.

It’s a big job, but someone has to do it… someone who likes arguing a lot 🙂

If you need to contact me by email, you can get me on colbak@gmail.com

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